The Pulse – Cape Harmony

The pandemic have upended our traditional summer plans, but for Cape Harmony, the show must go on! Tonight on The Pulse we learn more about how this iconic summer group is facing the challenge with grace and joy.
Tune in at 6 pm Pacific (9 pm Eastern) or hear the rebroadcast at 10 am & pm Pacific on Sunday. This episode will be available as a podcast on Monday.

Talkappella Episode 114 – Trevor Stevenson

Tonight on Talkappella, guest Trevor Stevenson, incoming president of Harmonyx at UNC Chapel Hill, talks about finding his musical home and family and the importance of representation for people of color in the arts. Tune in at 8 pm Eastern/5 pm Pacific!

Happy Birthday, Sweet Adelines!

On this day in 1945, Edna Mae Anderson gathered fellow singers in Tulsa, Oklahoma to create a space for women in barbershop. From a first chapter of 85 women now at 21,000 singers worldwide, 75 year is something to celebrate!

The anniversary is celebrated each year as Barbershop Appreciation Day and Sweet Adelines invites you to share your memories and experiences using the hashtag #sweetads75 from now through October when they had been due to celebrate at their international convention.

Happy birthday!