Friday Night Live – 1999 Harmony Sweepstakes National Finals

Clinton is acquitted. “Shakespeare in Love” wins Best Picture. Napster starts killing the music industry. Y2K panic ensues.

It’s the year that everyone wants to party like.

Welcome to 1999 and the Harmony Sweepstakes A Cappella Festival National Finals with winners Naturally 7 and chicago voice exchange, Euphorics, Minimum Wage, Pickup 6, Ja’a, The Standards, and Octane.

Listen in tonight at 6 pm PST or Sunday at 8 am/pm PST!

Vocal HERspective Episode 24 – Cassie Greene

Tonight on Vocal HERspective we chat with Cassie Greene, a member of Business Casual. Even though this group isn’t a full-time endeavor, they’ve seen some incredible success- including a National Harmony Sweepstakes A Cappella Festival title, winning the VoiceJam Festival and earning a ticket to Vocal Asia, and two trips to the Varsity Vocals AcaOpen Finals.

Hear her unique perspective tonight on balancing a successful career and a cappella experience at 9:30 pm EST/6:30 pm PST on Acaville or the rebroadcast on Sunday at 10:30 am and pm PST!

The Pulse Episode 59 – JMU Note-Oriety

TONIGHT at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific on The Pulse we’ll be featuring our interview with JMU Note-oriety!

We’ll rebroadcast the show on Sun Jan 19th at 1pm Eastern and for you night owls, Mon Jan 20th at 1am Eastern.

As always, if you can’t tune in to the broadcast, you can catch episodes the week after they air via The Pulse podcast, available on all major podcasting platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Google Play, and via The Pulse’s website!

Talkappella Episode 99 – Aaron Director

We’re at Episode 99 of Talkappella and what better guest than our very own Aaron Director? Traveling the world for a cappella and sitting down with (literally) hundreds of a cappella groups, Aaron definitely has his finger on the pulse of the community.

Tune in to hear the interview with John and Brian tonight at 8 pm EST/5 pm PST – free on Acaville Radio!