Thanksgiving at Acaville

🦃Aren’t we all thankful for a cappella?🦃

Add some of your favorite music to your holiday celebrations with our Thanksgiving Special – airing at 6 am, 12 pm, and 7 pm PST on Thursday!

We also have a special Thanksgiving episode of The Barbershop 7th Hour on Acaville Radio at 5 pm PST.

And if that’s not enough – we’ll be playing the best a cappella music anywhere all day (just like everyday!)

Vocal HERspective Episode 21 – Hannah Juliano

Vocal HERspective is back for Episode 21 with quite possibly the most genuine human on the planet – Hannah Juliano! From a late start in singing, to success with Pitch Slapped, national tours, Super Bowl commercials, and now a second year on stage with the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes, there is just so much to learn from her journey. Plus she’s the perfect feel good interview for this week of gratitude – your hosts and the a cappella community are certainly thankful for her!

Listen in tonight at 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST or hear the rebroadcast on Sunday at 10:30 am/pm PST. The episode goes live on all of the podcast platforms on Monday.

Talkappella Episode 96 – Aaron Schumacher

John and Brian are back tonight with Episode 96 of Talkappella tonight with guest Aaron Schumacher of m-Pact and they discuss all kinds of great tips on vocal health and overall health to keep you singing your best!

Tune in at 5 pm PST/8 pm EST for a super helpful hour of aca-goodness for (as Brian calls us) all of our aca-people.

Friday Night Live – Techappella 2019

Tonight on Friday Night Live we head to the West Coast to hear the first concert of the 2019 Techapella Series.

We’ve got sets from GoogapellaKeynotes A CappellaInTune: LinkedIn A Cappella, The Vocal Network, Alphabeat, and Internote starting at 5 pm PST (8 pm EST)!

A rebroadcast will be available on Sunday at 8 am and pm PST.