Category: Polyphony
Polyphony Episode 5 – A Cappella Organizations
Coming up at 8 pm Eastern/5 pm Pacific we’ve got our next Polyphony episode – this time with Brody McDonald of A Cappella Education Association, Gina Deaton of CASA – The Contemporary A Cappella Society, and Marty Monson of Barbershop Harmony Society talking about how a cappella organizations are faring and changing course during the pandemic. Listen for free at or on the Acaville app! You can also catch it again on Sunday at 10 am & pm Eastern or as a podcast!
Polyphony Episode 4: Professional Performers in the Pandemic
Polyphony Episode 3 – Events at a Distance
What will happen with events this year is a topic that is weighing heavily on everyone’s mind. Polyphony gathered a diverse crowd of event producers from Sing! The Toronto Vocal Arts Festival, All-American Awaaz, Vocal Australia, and Varsity Vocals to talk about the unique festival and competition season that lies ahead. Hear it Monday 5 pm Pacific or Sunday at 7 am & pm Pacific. Download episodes at