Happy Birthday, Sweet Adelines!

On this day in 1945, Edna Mae Anderson gathered fellow singers in Tulsa, Oklahoma to create a space for women in barbershop. From a first chapter of 85 women now at 21,000 singers worldwide, 75 year is something to celebrate!

The anniversary is celebrated each year as Barbershop Appreciation Day and Sweet Adelines invites you to share your memories and experiences using the hashtag #sweetads75 from now through October when they had been due to celebrate at their international convention.

Happy birthday!

Barbershop 7th Hour – Episode 38

Ready for some Barbershop? The Barbershop 7th Hour on Acaville Radio has a great line up for you tonight at 5 pm Pacific (8 pm Eastern)! From groups like “the BUZZ Queens”Instant ClassicMain StreetPride of Baltimore ChorusClassRing QuartetToast of Tampa Show Chorus, and so much more!

Can’t listen tonight? You can hear it again on Sunday at 11 am & pm Pacific – only on Acaville!

Friday Night Live – 1995 BHS International Quartet Finals

After you watch the The Association of International Champions (AIC) Show tonight (at https://www.aicgold.com/) come on back to Acaville and afterglow with Friday Night Live and the 1995 Barbershop Harmony Society Quartet Finals honoring the 25th Anniversary of Marquis’ gold!

Show starts right here at acaville.org at 6 pm Pacific (9 pm Eastern) -Free!

ShopTalk Interview with Lindsay Chartier

Tonight on ShopTalk we have a special interview with Lindsay Chartier! Lindsay is a 3-time Harmony Queen with Ringtones!, After Hours, and Blue Champagne, plus current bass of Titanium Quartet. Don’t miss this episode! Hear it at 6 pm Pacific or catch it Sunday at 12 am & pm Pacific – only on Acaville!