The Aca-Education Podcast has reached milestone Episode 10! Justin virtually visits NJ to chat with Billy Alzaher. Hear it tonight at 4 pm Pacific or catch it on Sunday at 5 am and pm Pacific on Acaville!
Tag: interview
The Headroom Podcast – Angela Ugolini
Tonight on The Headroom Podcast, Kyle and Ricky talk to the one and only Angela Ugolini of Aurum Productions – so good that we’ve lost count of her awards and nominations. And as a bonus, we’ve followed up the interview with several tracks that have her signature golden sound! Hear it at 5 pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern.
Vocal HERspective Episode 57 – Jessica Chen & Shane Ardell
Ever wonder just how your favorite CASA programs keep going? We’ve got longtime superwoman Director of Technology Shane Ardell, and the person behind the most popular CASA programs (Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards & A Cappella Video Awards), Director of Awards Jessica Chen on this week’s episode of Vocal HERspective! Don’t miss this special hour-long episode starting early – 6 pm Pacific – tonight on Acaville!
Talkappella Episode 125 – Lachi
Lachi is back for a full hour-long interview on Talkappella with Brian and Elicia to talk everything from the origins to getting an a cappella track up for a Grammy nomination, all while setting the stage and lifting up entertainers with disabilities. Don’t miss it – tonight at 5 pm Pacific!